DIY Vintage Wooden Sled

I love the feelings that vintage sleds evoke for both young and old and have always wanted to include them in my Christmas décor. They're hard to come by and quite pricey, so I decided to make my own!

Items Needed

– Jigsaw – Miter Saw – Wood Planks – Screws – Cordless Drill – Drill Bit – Stain

We started with the ski pieces that go underneath. If you're using a stain, its easiest to stain each layer as you go.

Cut Out Your Pieces

We screwed the support planks onto the skis, then added the top planks. Screwing it all together was pretty easy.

Assemble It

The reins are made with a strip of fabric. I drilled a hole on either side of the top piece and then run the fabric through, tying a knot at the ends.

Add Your Reins

Tell me you don’t want to run to the hardware store and make this right now!

Check out these effortless winter décor ideas!

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