5 Reasons Why I Sat Do It Yourself!

Why do you do it yourself, or more importantly, how do you have patience to do some many DIY projects?!  I get this question often.  Like, really often.  I wish I had a simple answer.  No, my answer is quite complicated and maybe a little frustrating to some people.  The most simple answer I can give is this:  I Love It.  You heard me right.  I love working on projects.  I love to work with my hands.  I even love the spontaneity of it all.  Yes, I love it all.  There are so many reasons, I thought a nice list would work just swell to feature why I love it so.  Why I say do it yourself!

5 Reasons Why I say do it yourself!

1.   Allows me to be spontaneous-

As a mom of 4 young children, the day to day life can sometimes seem quite dull.  Wake up, feed family, get them to school, clean, clean, clean, make lunch, make dinner, clean, clean, and clean.  I think you get where I am going.  Working on a DIY or craft project breaks up the monotony that we sometimes feel.  Here is a little secret of mine….


Yes, this is probably not the best way to go, but it works for me.  My creative process requires a little less formal brainstorming(since I am always brainstorming inside my head).  Many times I find myself mid dinner preparation also knee deep in a project.  Eight times out of ten, my husband doesn’t complain.

2.  I work through my frustrations

We all have things in our day to day life that stress us out.  Whether it be a fight with a friend, chaos at home, or work demands, we all have things competing for attention.  As a slightly anxious human, I seem to let things bother me more than I should. One lesson I was able to teach myself that my counselor never could was the impact my creative outlet would be on my mental health.  I came upon this by accident.  I have found a repeating pattern that when I am extremely anxious or stressed, I produce pretty amazing stuff!  I find myself diving into a project without realizing what I am doing.

3.  I am able to explore my creativity

The day to day grind can quite stifle the creative side of us.  I love feeling the creative juices course through my veins.  I seriously wake up in the morning excited about what projects I might accomplish that day.  Don’t get me wrong, sometimes my creative process stands still.  Sometimes I have a “creative cramp”.  Don’t put so much pressure on yourself to create something amazing and perfect.  Create something that you love and be open to processes changing.

4.  I am able to learn new skills

I was not always good at using a screwdriver.  I really sucked at using a nail gun.  Paint sprayer?  Man did I get that thing clogged.  One of my favorite reasons for doing DIY projects is that I get to learn how to do something new.  I have laid tile, hardwood floor, and polished concrete.  I have painted walls and furniture.  I have built furniture and learned how to take apart pallets.  I have cut and threaded steel pipe(this was one of my favorites).  The list could go on.   Each and every one of these  project enlisted a specific set of skills and tools.  Each one was a learning experience.  Each tool needed some familiarization.  Now, I am able to do many different things with confidence.  My skills have improved.  You cannot be afraid to try something new, whether a tool or a specific do it yourself project.

5.   For the feeling of accomplishment.

The fifth reason for why I say do it yourself is for the feeling of accomplishment.  There is no better feeling than to make something with your hands and be happy with the outcome.  I have always taken pride in our( my husband and I) ability to accomplish difficult tasks on our own, without having to hire it done.  Don’t get me wrong, we cannot do everything, but I will sure as heck try!  It cannot hurt to try.  Maybe you will have some bumps in the road or an epic DIY failure, but at least you still tried.  Lessons will be learned and you can move on to create better and more accomplished projects through those mistakes.

5 reason why I say do it yourself!

If these reasons aren’t enough, there 5 more reasons why I say do it yourself.  3 boys, 1 girl, and 1 very amazing husband.  This is why I DIY.

These 5 reasons why I DIY are just a few of many.  They are by far the most important reasons, though.

Thanks for taking time out of your day to stop by my blog!  I feel truly blessed to do what I love.  Find something you love.

Have a great day and remember….

be inspired



If you like this post, you’ll love these….

DIY Peg Coat and Hat Rack

DIY Sawhorse Sofa Table

DIY Faux Fireplace and Mantel


Some of my favorite tools:


  1. I agree with everything you wrote. I’m not adept at all the power tools and big projects that you are. But I love the feeling of getting things done, and done my way. I also think it’s very important to my mental health. I’m with ya!

    1. Thanks Brenda. The power tools came slowly. The last thing I learned to use was our giant miter saw. It scared me so much and I still get nervous every time I use it. But, there is nothing more empowering than being able to do something yourself. Thanks for stopping by! Have a great day!

  2. I love your post quite much. I am very much agree with your reasons to DIY. You have done such a great job. Thumbs up.

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