Medicine Cabinet Organization Ideas and Tips

Hey friends!  Its been a wonderful Christmas holiday and it is now time to get down to business.  My home is in need of some serious organization, and today I am starting my new journey with the thing that has bothered me the most, my lazy susan cabinet turned into a medicine cabinet.  I hate this thing, and I have needed to address it for a while.  So, today I am sharing with you some medicine cabinet organization tips that could help you too, label makers and all!

And not only am I sharing…this is the most amazing combination ever!  I am joining 19 other bloggers who are all sharing an organizing hack!  You can get 20 cleaning and organizing tips for 1!  Each one of these bloggers are sharing some very valuable tips, so make sure to check the end of this post for all their links!  Now back to my medicine cabinet!

Medicine cabinet organization ideas:

Ever sine moving into our house, we have used the corner cabinet as the hub of the house.  It is our medicine cabinet, our hub, our first aid area, essential oil storage and so much more….but believe me, when you open the cabinet door, what you find inside is a frightening sight. 

It is a combination of pill bottles, empty pill boxes, bandaids and their devil wrappers floating around. Let’s just say that nobody in this house seems to understand how to put something back where it goes.

I feel like this cabinet is a nice central place in the home. Its large enough to hold tons of the every day items we use on the daily.  But, there is one thing that I absolutely hate about it…..its a Lazy Susan.  Gosh Susan why are you so lazy!

Why I hate Lazy Susans…other than because she’s so lazy!

I have never been a fan of these contraptions…We had some growing up in our kitchen, but they did not have a solid door on them.  They had that front that moved with the lazy susan, so the entire thing moved and turned and turned.  Which meant, you could easily get your little fingers caught between the trim and the door as it turned.  Let’s just say I had this happened a handful of times.

The thing is, I just cannot get along with the turning, ever rotating shelves.  Now that I have kids…and a husband….things ae smashed onto the shelves, and things are constantly getting caught as the turntable rotates, which results in a pile of hidden objects behind and to the sides of the lazy susan, inside the cabinet, where you cannot access them without tearing everything out and diving into the depths of despair.

Listen Susan, I just cannot get on board with this.  Not cool.  So, you can only imagine what my medicine cabinet might look like with its shelves all full of small medicinal bottles and such.  Now, can you see in your mind how many items had been shoved or pushed off into the dark mass in the back of the lazy susan cabinet?

I have been working on how to organize my medicine cabinet for a while, and trying to find the best way to set it up to work for our family.  Having the round turntables definitely limits what you can put on them and what kind of storage solutions you can use.

That is why I am here today.  I want to share some medicine cabinet organization tips with you!

Here is my before picture…and I am a bit embarrassed to show you!  It quickly has gotten out of hand and I really needed to get a handle on it.  

Essential oil storage and organization ideas, tips, and tricks!

So, off to TJ Maxx I went!  I knew I could find all sorts of organizational options there for really good prices.  

I already had an idea of what I needed, but loved perusing the aisles finding little gems I never knew I always needed.

So, lets talk about medicine cabinet organization:

Check out this fun video if you want to see how and what I used to organize my lazy susan medicine cabinet:

The first thing you want to do is empty out all the contents from your medicine cabinet.  

  • I like to take it all out, and go through all the medicine.  
  • Check the expiration date on all the meds and throw out all the old stuff.  I could not believe how many things I fund from 2015.  I am a bit embarrassed haha.

Once you have thrown out all the old stuff, I like to make different groupings of items that can be put together in the cabinets.  Here are the sections I like to make:

  • Digestive Meds
  • First Aid/bandaids
  • Pain relievers
  • allergy medicine
  • cold and flu meds
  • pets medicine and vitamins
  • essential oils
  • skincare/cleansers etc

I have quite a large collection of essential oils, and they were the first thing I wanted to organize and work around.  We found some amazing curved tiered shelves that I thought would go perfect on the round lazy susan.

I was also able to find some turntable containers that could hold various medicines and be able to move in and out of the lazy susan cabinet.  My favorite find was some two tiered pieces that could easily be taken out to use and then put back where they belong.  I needed our storage to be movable and convenient.

So, once cleaned everything out, threw away the expired items and divided them into categories I started to reassemble the lazy susan cabinet.

I started by adding my round containers for essential oils.  For me, it was important to organize them by type and frequency of use.

Essential oil storage and organization ideas, tips, and tricks!

I decided to add one to each level of the lazy susan shelves to free up space for the other frequently used items.

Organization tips for the perfectly arranged medicine cabinet! Ours is in a lazy susan cabinet and its so hard to keep it clean! Come see what we do to keep it organized!

The tiered spice holders were used to group pain medicine, digestive, allergy and cold and flu.  I like breaking it up this way to keep everything at arms reach while also being organized and easy to find.

The last thing I did before I put everything away was give them all a label with my handy new label maker.…its happened…my OCD has gotten the best of me this year.  We were labelling everything!

Organization tips for the perfectly arranged medicine cabinet! Ours is in a lazy susan cabinet and its so hard to keep it clean! Come see what we do to keep it organized!

These double shelf spice racks work great for this. Plus, you can easily pull them out and use them where ever you need and easily put them back too! 

Organization tips for the perfectly arranged medicine cabinet! Ours is in a lazy susan cabinet and its so hard to keep it clean! Come see what we do to keep it organized!

Organization tips for the perfectly arranged medicine cabinet! Ours is in a lazy susan cabinet and its so hard to keep it clean! Come see what we do to keep it organized!

The less used items went to the second shelf.  First aid items such as alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, wraps, vet wrap and KT tape will be stored here.  


Get your medicine cabinet cleaned up this year with these simple medicine cabinet organization ideas and tips! Even better if you are using a lazy susan!

I also added the pet meds and supplies to the very top shelf.  I think this will allow the lazy susan cabinet to stay clean and organized.  Now everything has a place, and there is not reason for any of it to just get tossed in!

Get your medicine cabinet cleaned up this year with these simple medicine cabinet organization ideas and tips! Even better if you are using a lazy susan!

And its all hidden behind the cabinet door, my lazy susan organization is complete.  So not only does it look nice from the outside, but now every time I open this cabinet, I am not ashamed and disgusted by it!!  I would call that a definite win!

Shop my favorite organization products here!

Get your medicine cabinet cleaned up this year with these simple medicine cabinet organization ideas and tips! Even better if you are using a lazy susan!

How to organize a medicine cabinet and keep it functioning perfectly for your family.


Now, make sure to check out all these amazing organizing tips, tricks.   You can even check out some amazing DIY and craft projects from by blogging friends to help keep your home looking and functioning at its best.


9 Tips For Kitchen Organization – Happy Happy Nester || Bathroom Organization Ideas – Lolly Jane // Textured Polka Dot Utensil Holder – Craftberry Bush // Turn a Closet into a Pantry – Tatertots & Jello

Organizing Your Party Planning – My 100 Year Old Home // Organizing Laundry Supplies – Zevy Joy // Spice Drawer Organization – Finding Lovely // How to Declutter and Decorate a Beautiful Home – So Much Better With Age

How To Organize Kitchen Drawers – Modern Glam // How I Keep My Home Organized – My Sweet Savannah // Whole Home Organization Ideas to Declutter Your Life – Grace In My Space // Medicine Cabinet Organization Ideas and Tips – Twelve On Main

10 Week Organizing Challenge – The Happy House // Fridge Organization and Storage – Inspiration for Moms // How to Organize Your Pantry – The Handmade Home // A Budget Friendly Linen Closet Makeover – The Tattered Pew 

Mudroom Lockers Organization – Two Twenty One // Small Pantry Organization Ideas – The DIY Mommy // How to Organize Kids’ Rooms – Cassie Bustamante // 5 Easy Steps To Create An Organized Junk Drawer – She Gave It A Go // Organizing Tips for Traveling with Kids – Pink Peppermint Designs 


Want even more cleaning and organizing tips?  Check these posts out:

Get Organized Now with a FREE Goal Setting Worksheet

Tips for Organized Farmhouse Style Closet Design

10 Ways Cleaning and Organizing Tips to Save Your Sanity

16 Pantry Organization Ideas

31 Galvanized Metal Storage Solutions to Organize Your Life!


How about some great easy DIY projects?

A New Look, Our New Black Armoire!

Super Easy Pallet Compost Bin DIY

DIY Wedding Backdrop with Dropcloths for Budget Friendly Style


  1. Great job! I bet you’ll smile every time you go into that cupboard! I have double medicine cabinets in my bathroom so organization there is OK. However, the baskets on the linen closet shelves haven’t been gone through in years. I can probably toss 2/3s of the stuff and have mroe room for towels. Maybe after all of Christmas is cleaned up…..

  2. Why keep all your aromatherapy stuff with the medicines? Fastest way to declutter would be to weed out things that aren’t medicine/first aid! I keep my perfumes of that size in a tea chest. ๐Ÿ™‚

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