What is Kamut Flour and Is It Really Worth the Hype?

What is kamut flour? Also named Kamut khorasan wheat. If you are here, you have a been obviously on a search for this new and popular flour, Kamut. It may not be new per-se but it is more popular now than ever. I have been using it more often these days hoping that I could find a grain that I could ingest, since I am gluten sensitive. So, today I want to share all that I have learned about this amazing grain and how to use it to bake and more.

What is the story of Kamut?

What is kamut flour and is it worth the hype? I am breaking down all the benefits of this amazing little grain and what you can do with it.

I first learned abut Kamut years ago when I used to purchase grains bulk through a local lady that offered bulk food preparedness orders. It was one of the smartest things I have done and need to start doing it again. I was unsure what to use this flour for at the time and it simply sat on my shelf for a couple years.

It wasnt until I found myself yearning for a change in my diet and found that I was intolerant to gluten that I decided to work with this grain and see what I could do with it. I will tell you this, it is an amazing grain and makes amazing breads and other baked goods.

What is Kamut Flour?

Kamut khorasan wheat (an ancient grain) or is a grain guaranteed to never be hybridized or genetically modified. It is always organically grown and is known for its nutrition, ease of digestibility(it is a more digestible form of gluten), its sweet nutty and buttery flavor and firm texture.

Kamut grain has many health benefits and is a great source of protein and fiber, as well as many other vitamins and minerals including selenium. It is an excellent source of zinc, phosphorous, magnesium, vitamin B1(thiamin), niacin. It also has mother minerals such as copper, manganese and molybdenum.

KAMUT® khorasan wheat has an extremely diverse profile of polyphenols. Polyphenols are a family of molecules that have gained much attention as they have strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and can protect against many degenerative human diseases.

Additionally, KAMUT® khorasan wheat has a high level of carotenoids which are another family of strong antioxidants and are likely responsible for the rich golden color of the grain and flour.

Kamut is an ancient wheat grain that has not been changed through modern programs. Kamut is grown on certified organic farms primarily in the Northern Great Plains of North America where the dry climate ensured the best quality and consistency. The kamut grain is three times the size of common wheat and its elongated with a “hump” and has a rich golden color.

There are legends of this grain being found in ancient Egyptian tombs. Its sometimes called king tut wheat too! Farmers in Turkey call the grain “Camel’s Tooth” because of its kernels shape.

What is kamut flour and is it worth the hype? I am breaking down all the benefits of this amazing little grain and what you can do with it.

Is Kamut the same as wheat?

No, in simple terms it is an ancient grain that contains less gluten and more protein than regular wheat. It has a more nutty flavor and more health benefits.

What is Kamut flour good for using?

I have found KAMUT flour to be great for breads, including flatbread and wheat bread. I have also found it to be great for cookies, salads, and so much more. I have found a ton of amazing recipes here on the KAMUT official website.

What is kamut flour and is it worth the hype? I am breaking down all the benefits of this amazing little grain and what you can do with it.

I primarily use Kamut flour for bread and our favorite easy flatbread. I have recently been working really hard to create some recipes that hopefully I will be able to tolerate in the future. While I have tried the recipes I have created, I have held back because of my intolerance, but i do know that I did not have a reaction to the small amount I ingested and that the breads and cookies tasted amazing! I wish I could have eaten them all.

My family absolutely raves over the Kamut bread that I make. They say it has a softer, more buttery flavor and texture which is awesome because they did not know that was one of the characteristics of this grain.

Is Kamut flour healthier than wheat flour?

Since korasan wheat is a type of wheat it still has gluten and for those with an intolerance or allergy should avoid it if it worsens their symptoms. However it has been found to be easier to digest than modern

Kamut has become a favorite of body-builders and vegans alike because of the high protein content in this wheat, and the fact that it contains 8 essential amino acids, making it an almost-complete protein.

When cooked as a whole grain, 1 cup of kamut berries has approximately 250 calories and 11 grams of protein, which is an impressive serving. It’s also high in fiber, with 7 grams in that same cup of cooked Kamut. 

In addition to that Kamut has a rich and more varied nutritional value than that of traditional wheat flour. It is quite a bit healthier than wheat because of this. Modern what has a higher calorie content as well as in carbohydrates. It is much lower in protein and fiber as well and has barely any micronutrients.

Kamut has more fatty acids than modern wheat, which provides more energy per calorie consumed, another definite benefit. Kamut is definitely healthier than

conventional wheat. Most people love the flavor and even texture as well, so there is little reason not to make the switch whenever you can. 

What is kamut flour and is it worth the hype? I am breaking down all the benefits of this amazing little grain and what you can do with it.

Is Kamut flour gluten free?

Kamut flour is not gluten free. It is a variety of wheat and thus carries those properties. However, many people with a gluten sensitivity or a sensitivity to modern whole grain flour or whole wheat flour find that they can digest and tolerate Kamut wheat easier. This makes it a great alternative for those with a gluten intolerance. I would highly advise talking with your doctor if you have a severe intolerance or Celiac disease.

Can you substitute kamut flour for all purpose flour?

In my experience using this “pharaoh grain”, it has been easy to trade out regular wheat flour for kamut flour. I have had to make slight variations and have found that I have not needed as much KAMUT flour as wheat or all purpose flour.

For instance, when making my wheat bread recipe using kamut flour, I use about 3 cups less flour than I do when I use fresh ground wheat flour. I have also found the need to knead the dough a bit more than I would have with regular flour.

I wonder if this is because of the difference in the gluten structure? I really cant be sure since I am not an expert.

Where can I find Organic Kamut Flour?

My favorite place to order my white kamut flour and kamut grain is from The Food Nanny. I was able to order both the flour as well as the kamut grain that I can grind on my own.

What is kamut flour or kamut khorasan wheat? I am breaking down all the benefits of this amazing little grain and what you can do with it.

You can also find organic flour on Amazon.

or here at Breadtopia

Kamut Flour Options

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Should I make the change to Kamut flour?

Overall I will give a resounding YES! While the flour may be more expensive to purchase, you will find such a difference in how you feel when you eat it. I often feel bloated and sick after eating regular bread, but have found that not to be the case with my bread using Kamut. You could also create a sourdough starter and use Kamut flour in your sourdough bread as well, increasing the health benefits.

I would definitely encourage anyone to consider trying this high-energy grain and experiment with it. I have done exactly that and have been so thrilled with the results.

So, is it really worth the hype?

Absolutely yes I would definitely give this amazing grain a try, especially if you are struggling with digesting gluten or simply just breads. This is just another great item to have in your arsenal.  

I have been very happy with the results when I have used  my kamut flour.  I hope you will give it a try.

What is kamut flour or kamut khorasan wheat? I am breaking down all the benefits of this amazing little grain and what you can do with it.
What is kamut flour or kamut khorasan wheat? I am breaking down all the benefits of this amazing little grain and what you can do with it.

Want some amazing homemade bread recipes?  Check these out below:

Super Easy 1 Hour Dinner Rolls Recipe

Soft and Fluffy Crescent Rolls Recipe

How to Make Wheat Bread That is Easy and Delicious

Easy No Knead Bread Recipe Using A Dutch Oven or Sheet Pan

Super Easy Light and Fluffy Blender Whole Wheat Pancakes

Want to try your hand at sourdough and see what all they hype is there?

Everything You Need to Know About Sourdough and Sourdough Starters

The Ultimate Dutch Oven Sourdough Bread

8 Must Have Sourdough Recipes to Start Making Now

Light, Fluffy and Super Yummy Sourdough Pancakes


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